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How Our Dodge A Body Disc Brake Conversion Kit is Saving You Money

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When you are working on fixing up a Dodge A Body or any other vehicle, you want to make every dollar you put into your vehicle stretch as far as possible. Pirate Jack understands that and we work hard to find ways to help you do it. Take, for example, our 1962-1972 Mopar A Body Large Bolt Pattern Standard Disc Brake Conversion Kit. This is one of our brand new kit redesigns that includes a feature that could help save you 25% or more on your disc brake conversion! 

The secret to our kit is that the new parts we include don't require you to change your control arm. The control arm is a piece that connects your vehicle's chassis to the suspension. Some disc brake conversions require you to change this piece, which can be both time consuming and expensive. Instead, our disc brake conversion kit gives you the convenience of a bolt on drum to disc conversion. You'll be amazed at how easy our kits make it to create the braking system you want in your vehicle without as much time and money as you probably expected. 

This redesign is just another way we're helping our customers make the most out of every dollar that they spend in our online store. Another way is by offering free shipping on most of the items in our online store! Place an order with Pirate Jack today and get the disc brake conversion kit that you need for your next project.